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Jocelyn A. Van Coney, MPA
Certified Leadership & Business Coach/Certified D.I.S.C. Consultant/Certified Facilitator LEGO SERIOUS PLAY
Hello To You,
Thank you for stopping by to learn a little more about me and my companies.
I am passionate about working with business leaders to develop their personal leadership development plans, learn effective communication, and build stellar teams in the for profit and non-profit business sectors.
I always had an interest in business. I sold many, many giant Easter eggs door to door and participated in several programs growing up where we got to create our own business.
My eyes though were opened to the world of entrepreneurship and business ownership when my father bought a business when I was 15.
It was then that I got a first-hand knowledge of running a business and began working in a small business. I saw my father struggle with cash flow, getting new clients, new government and corporate contracts. By the time I was 18, I was helping my father with the management of the business.
I learned a hard lesson from this experience when my father's business collapsed almost overnight due to something he could not control. Decisions made during the Base Realignment Act which cancelled all of his government contracts at one time. There was not enough time to pivot. This lesson has stayed with me and is why we show our clients how to make it through the rough patches that come such as economic disruption and slow downs.
More than 20 years ago I opened my own firm (Morgaine Avalon Associates which became a part of Van Coney Business Strategies LLC in 2017). I've run the business through all its ups and downs, side hustle years, good years, lean years even while finishing my public service career. Through it all I've mentored, coached, guided small business. corporate, government and nonprofit leaders who needed assistance with obtaining, keeping, and growing revenue and cash flow while building effective teams. I know what it is like to worry about payroll, how I am going to pay myself and provide for my family, the loneliness of the entrepreneurial life, and wondering if I have the strength to continue on through the next hurdle.
My road though to consulting with and coaching or mentoring entrepreneurs and business leaders did not start with the opening of my firm, it actually started many years before when I was working for other businesses then entered a career in community/economic development in the public sector and not only gained experience working with business owners but also extensive non-profit business experience.
Van Coney Business Strategies LLC, founded in 2017, is a leadership development and training firm that focuses on helping companies develop leaders and build teams through business training, mentorship, and consulting. In 2020, I founded DirectorMetrics LLC and it is a board development and training firm.
I utilize all of my more than three decade business leadership and building experience in the private, government, and non-profit sectors and insight to help you build a blueprint that works for you and your business. I guide, coach, and mentor you through the process to better revenue and cash flow stability, to create team and culture fit, and to effectively communicate both internally and externally so you can take the opportunities that are presented to you.
My team and I have more than 100 years of combined experience across multiple sectors and are able to guide in many areas.
You can also catch me on my podcast, Real Management Talk with LJ and Jocelyn.
On the personal side I am an avid LEGO Brick builder, have a teenager, and have been married to the love of my life for over 25 years.
You can schedule a complimentary call with me to discuss your business, mentoring, coaching, and training needs without any obligation.
I look forward to meeting you.